
Trending BSC Tokens

List of trending Binance Smart Chain tokens, based on the changes in their websites traffic rank. The traffic ranks data is taken from Tranco list, which aggregates the ranks from the lists provided by Alexa, Umbrella, and Majestic.

The lower the traffic rank, the more popular the website. The percentage signifies the decrease in the traffic rank since yesterday. The number in the parentheses is the last recorded traffic rank.

While the popularity of the token's website does not have to directly indicate the token's popularity, it may still be an useful signal.

TokenTraffic rank trendStart dateWebsite

BSC.Rocks! helps you navigate the Binance Smart Chain tokens ecosystem. Find the most popular, trending or recently started projects and maximize your profits.

Only coins with already revealed contract address are listed here. This makes it possible for you to investigate if they are reasonable, risky or obvious scams. Most BSC tokens can be bought on PancakeSwap or ApeSwap.